Oakleafe Claims

Reinstatement And The Rising Costs

Escalating Costs of Property Reconstruction

It is crucial for homeowners to stay vigilant about the rising reinstatement costs to guarantee that their property is adequately insured.

But what exactly does reinstatement cost entail?

Reinstatement cost refers to the total expense required to reconstruct a property entirely from the ground up in the event of complete destruction. It is imperative to accurately calculate these costs in your insurance policy, ensuring that insurers can disburse the correct amount in the event of a claim.

Fluctuations in Labour Demand

The Builders Merchants Federation reports a sustained strong demand for building materials and labour, but there are early indications of a slight shift in demand dynamics. Some regions are witnessing a decline in retail sales for DIY and home improvement projects, offset by increased trade sales. Insurance claim tender processes become almost obsolete when submitted, as many contractors face challenges with under-pricing upon approval.

Significant Impact of Changes in Labour Demands on Reinstatement Costs

Supply Chain Stability Unaffected by Reinstatement Costs

Encouragingly, supply chains remain stable, boasting full production and ample availability of most products. Challenges persist for certain items like bricks, aircrete blocks, roof tiles, gas boilers, plastic drainage, and other polymer-dependent plastic products, as well as some electrical products, particularly those utilizing semiconductors. Policyholders must be informed about potential delays in claims due to these supply chain challenges.

Inflation as a Catalyst for Rising Reinstatement Costs

The prevailing concern lies in the rate of inflation. Some suppliers are reported to only honor quotes for tender prices for a mere 24 hours. This uncertainty hampers contractors from committing to fixed-price or long-term contracts. Insurers are cognizant of this cost leakage and should pass on the expenses incurred from delays or rising prices.

Energy Price Volatility and Its Impact on the Market

The fluctuation in energy prices is beginning to affect the market, with manufacturers of energy-intensive products warning of surcharges linked to energy costs.

Soaring Material Prices

Although UK brick and block stocks have seen a slight increase during the quieter winter months, builders must proactively plan ahead and collaborate with manufacturers to ensure timely availability as the market picks up in the spring.

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